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Perspective About Harassment In Educational Spaces


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Perspective about harassment in educational spaces


I have chosen to analyze the case or "perspective problem" referring to the short, entitled "The person in charge of bullying". In this short we clearly observe how the problem of coexistence or conflict is based on bullying, and now we focus on how we can prevent it by analyzing the "perspective problem" or the different perspectives that we can see in interaction. Then I analyze, the different perspectives from each character, participants in this "perspective problem": main characters intervening in the "perspective problem", of the short "The person in charge-song about bullying". It is absent, leave the group alone.


It imposes the responsibility of supervising or monitoring the group to a minor, who is a victim of harassment, and "does not know". He ignores the result on the commission of the supervision of the group that has imposed Martín (the manager), without looking at the work of this on the board, continuing with his class, without asking or wanting to inform about what happened after his absence. Martín: The victim of bully. All responsibility falls to him, a minor, and not the teacher.

He has no support from other classmates. He looks alone in the situation. He acts well, properly doing his work, but putting his life at risk, for being a victim of bullying (receiving threats, insults).

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It is not expressed, he does not tell the teacher, after his arrival, neither does the teacher give rise to it, Ana is not interested: intermediary and participant in the conflict, defender of the aggressor. She defends the aggressor. She does not support the victim, in fact the threat. Wake up the conflict. Luis: main aggressor of bullying that Martín suffers from this situation. Leader and main aggressor of the group.

The companions support or do not defend Martín (they follow the game). Especially his partner Ana supports and defends him, promoting harassment. Threatens and insults Martín several times. After the visualization and analysis of this short, this allows us. Because this situation could happen at any time, since this situation in the classrooms is real, however it teaches us what we should not do as teachers, since I think that the aggressor is guilty (for his acts and attitude).

So are her classmates (especially Ana, since she intervenes causing and encouraging the aggressor) and especially the teacher (to leave the group alone, in the hands of a single student). In this case, the protagonist of the Short makes an effort of responsibility, fulfillment and seriousness, which then not only is not rewarded by the teacher, but lacks validity by the partners, thus creating conflicts in the group-class. Therefore, the consequences of this conflict fall to a greater extent in the teacher’s figure. The main objective is that students did not have to have been left alone, the teacher could have organized it in some other way so that a teaching partner monitored his class.

The teacher who is absent, could take with him the conflicting student (aggressor) and delegate class care in a group of students and not in one. In addition, the teacher arrived at the classroom did not comply with his norm and did not give importance to what happened when he was absent from it, which reinforced the attitude of the aggressor student and weakened that of the harassed student. You also have to refer to the teacher did not perform an important act in the classroom such as listening. If there was no time to speak in class, it is done once finished or at the time of patio, but active listening is very important. 

He could have previously prevented this conflict if he had spent time speaking and listening to his students. It also loses relevance the measure that the teacher takes, since he had no cause-effect, so it is a fact that will happen again with the same protagonists or with others. Each of those involved has lived this episode from a different perspective, without understanding the perspective of the rest of involved. However, in order to understand and solve a problem of perspectives like this, skills are necessary: ​​basic, social, confrontation of conflict, establishing links, emotions management.

Teaching styles, among other aspects, which in this situation are being ignored and are responsible for their prevention and solution to this problem. The key or solution to this conflict, since it has not been possible to prevent due to the poor performance of the teacher and intervenings, must follow the “protocol for the action of bullying”, once the reality of this situation is known, which which The teacher seems to ignore. This action protocol has several phases to follow (in summary): the first phase is structured in four main axes: the first step will be to communicate this situation to: a teacher or teacher with whom there may be more confidence. 


The tutor. The management team. A student belonging to the coexistence team. Immediate constitution of the valuation team in the center, which will be formed by the director, the counselor and a center teacher (tutor, the one who knows the student better). Information collection. Analysis and assessment of information. Second phase: communication of the situation. Intervention. Completion and closure of the protocol. Also to solve this type of conflicts, we must support ourselves in: LOE, LOMCE and Decree 114/2011, of May 11, which regulates coexistence in the educational field of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.


Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of educational quality.

Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.

Decree 114/2011, of May 11, which regulates coexistence in the educational field of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.

Material (documents, resources and multimedia) of module 2 "coexistence and equality".

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