Procrastination In Higher Education
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Procrastination consists in the habit of postponing activities that can be resolved at a certain moment, replacing them with other activities of less relevance but that turn out to be more pleasant to perform and leave them for another day.
Procrastination in higher education, basically responsibility in academic activities and participations, the student who starts or ends higher studies in our environment and which are also presented, throughout their professional training associated with family circumstances,social, economic, etc. Without neglecting the personal challenges that include a set of emotional aspects that in most cases are not resolved and therefore affect academic performance, the basis of the training of the future professional. Academic procrastination is one of the challenges facing students.
In young people procrastination affects decision making to decide whether to continue with the studies carried out or meet the requirements that their environment demands, even when its prestige or dignity is affected by rumors about its way of being. However, two styles, occasional procrastinators and daily procrastinators are known, the latter are those that present personal and social relationship problems.
If the young man begins in procrastination, this will not only influence his environment, but also to generalize, leave for tomorrow or another day the activities not only academic but familiar, social, labor, etc.
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In the same way, this would lead us to think that what we do as students is the right thing to. The fact of living freedom of action when we say already of legal age, we go to many new changes and experiences that as young people experience, are more attractive than other experiences that at the moment do not provide satisfactions but rather tensions or concerns, which whichThey can be handled through apology, deception or other explanations to justify the fact of not complying with what is requested. As an obvious consequence of their averages and academic performance, we will all reduce, we have all gone through the same stage, we have all been young and as young people and students at some point we have chosen to procrastine.
Procrastination, in short, becomes a problem of self-control and time organization that leads to the analysis of how it is established and what alternatives we should consider for the overcoming of this behavior to postpone activities to later reach the conclusion of proposingalternatives such as solving the habit of postponing, starting now and looking for positive phrases for yourself, writing reminders and constantly reinforcing yourself.
The situations in which students most procrastinine refer to leaving the tasks for the last minute, not studying before for evaluations, not complying with delivering their jobs, postponing jobs or readings that do not like, breach with delivering the work on datesSpecific, demotivation and lack of study habits.
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