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Reflective Essay on English 101 Class
English 101 class in this quarter is one of the subjects that has impacted my academic life and has had significant changes in my life. The works of great philosophers and authors studied in this course material was crucial since it shaped my attitude in a new, different and better way. Further, the class has equipped me with adequate knowledge and skills in effective writing, communication skills, and proper grammar. I, therefore, consider English 101 class as crucial and attach more value to it regarding the useful gains from the class that would be useful in future endeavors. This paper, therefore, will reflect on the experiences in English 101 class highlighting the achievements, changes and suggestion on improvements. Also, it will present insights into my intellectual capabilities as a resultant of my assessment.
The course material for English 101 is dense and comprises of works by great philosopher and authors whose readings are useful. The texts grew right techniques and approaches towards the actual life conduct and behavior. For instance, it equips one with knowledge and skills of conducting conversations, arguments and presenting information in a social place. As a result, I can approach rhetorical conversations as well as control my opinions and thoughts. The class has techniques sufficient for actual life applications such as communication skills with other individuals. Communication skills are vital in one’s life and useful in many places such as meetings, job place, interviews, conferences, and seminars.
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Further, taking English 101 class has enabled me gain skills in writing that would be useful for the next levels of study and in real life. For instance, this class has improved my writing skills with the better structure of sentences, proper grammar and better presentation of information. It is evident that my writing skills had dramatically improved compared to when I started the class. I am now able to meet the length requirement in all the essays as a result of extensive practice and tests done in English 101. The numerous writings and time attached in this class are therefore beneficial as I will be able to do writings on other subjects with much ease.
Moreover, the English 101 class has enabled me to have an organized paper through the creation of a Meta knowledge that creates a logical flow of ideas throughout the argument. Being able to create a valid, robust and direct argument translates to the proper use of grammar, sensible, quality output and efficient communication to the audience. All these techniques are taught in English 101 and will be useful in the writing of a thesis, research projects and logical presentation of findings in a paper.
The course has offered me great opportunities to advance my knowledge and make improvements in general life. However, I feel that the development of argumentative essays was less familiarized among the students. I would suggest more group discussions and debates over the course work as it would be useful in the development of logical flow of ideas. Also, they would facilitate the growth of social communication skills over the constant practice. Finally, I value and appreciate all the experiences in English 101 as they significantly improved my English, writing skills, and communication skills. The information gained in this class, therefore, forms a strong foundation that will see me advance to other levels in this field.
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