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The Great Gatsby – An Enigmatic Love Story
The Great Gatsby is among one of the most beautifully depicted movies have elements of love story present in it. Quite commonly, it is evident that there is a love triangle existing with Tom Buchannan, Daisy Buchannan, and Jay Gatsby. Both Tom and Jay were in love with Daisy; however, the intentions regarding the feelings of Daisy are questionable throughout the movie. The main reason is because of her altering loyalties based on financial status. Admitting the same mistake Gatsby has asserted, “I knew it was a great mistake for a man like me to fall in love” (The Great Gatsby). The movie is a narration by Nick Caraway, who has owned a cottage next to recently turned multimillionaire, Jay Gatsby.
The story presents the outlook that Ayesha Siddiqui has presented in her article explaining that love is nothing but the chance to abandon overselves for a more redeeming ideal. The irony of fate associated with Gatsby includes the probability of being loved in return to his profound affections for Daisy. Explaining that, Nick has also warned Gatsby, “you should not ask too much of her” (The Great Gatsby). Surely, the intentions of Gatsby were to become rich and reclaim the love of his life.
On the other side of the picture, Daisy has depicted herself as a girl who refused to marry a poor boy. However, Tom Shone has also seconded this very social norm as attaining the riches of the world by hook or by crook.

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In the scenario of Jay Gatsby, it is to let her “believe that he was a person from the same stratum as herself” which she has not accepted and has made decisions based on common forces of money in order to shape her life in a much better manner (Shone).
Buz Luhrmann has provided a pictured outlook of current deteriorating aspects of today’s modernized and industrialized society. Depicting the era of roaring twenties and Rolls Royce throttling across the bridge, fireworks exploding over the Gatsby mansion, reflected that love was existed at that moment; but, in quite diminished tone. As part of being the love story, it raises many suspicions because of its inability to cope up with traditional love stories in Hollywood thereby challenging the very perception of love in common man’s mind. For Luhrmann, he has blended romantics and cynics as part of a single film (Siddiqui).
A very similar outlook is also presented in Shone’s article that leads to challenge the very nature of pure love. As he has mentioned, the story has been “thwarted by some obstacle other than pleasant snobbery” (Shone) that is commonly depicted in traditional love stories. The very same obstacles was showcased by the talk between Nick and Gatsby in which Gatsby told him about his first kiss with Daisy, he has felt married to her. Nick admits that he tries “to see the best in people” and have his judgments limited to himself. Nonetheless, he has clearly depicted the nature of nature of Tom and Daisy and pronounces them as “careless people” who quite readily “smashed up things and people” and afterwards, retreat themselves back towards their money and carelessness (The Great Gatsby).
The Great Gatsby has also showcased the sense of love lost, and love gained as part of the movie’s plot. As part of Gatsby’s manners, it was well evident that his characters swing between the extreme boyish charm and violent rich man. At the initial stages of movies, it was quite commonly depicted that he was preserving his propriety as part of being a noble (Siddiqui). However, as Tom has mocked him, “we were born different. It’s in our blood. And nothing that you do or say or steal” (The Great Gatsby). However, Gatsby tried his best to behave in a noble manner by going on tea at Nick’s home along with Daisy, only to find out the whether her heart throbs for Gatsby. After the realization that she is also head over heels in love with Gatsby; his heart has not reached the satisfaction level. However, he has pursued it as an act of “total reclamation” of previous years. However, his noble manners were shattered during his confrontation with Tom Buchannan. He has screamed with infuriated gestures and told him to shut up at that moment (Siddiqui).
Nevertheless, like any other emotional entity, love can also be assessed for its authenticity and profoundness. The film has posted all the vices that include from chasing wealth to being rich. This is the flaw that is quite common present in the very fabric of society at that time and to the greater extent; it is also true in present perspectives. Both Daisy and Jay, not only experienced the sensation of love but they also deserved that. For Daisy, it was the recompense of having an unfaithful husband; however, for Gatsby, it was justifications for the years he has missed based on their single-minded devotions. Hence, to witness love, one has to witness its origin; however, to be moved by that, one must have to witness its demise (Siddiqui).

Works Cited
Shone, Tom. ‘Baz Luhrmann Says The Great Gatsby Is A Love Story. Is He Right? | Tom Shone’. The Guardian. N.p., 2013. Web. 3 June 2015.
Siddiqui, Ayesha. ‘Is “The Great Gatsby” The Greatest Love Story Ever Told?’. Bullett Media. N.p., 2013. Web. 4 June 2015.
The Great Gatsby. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perfs. Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, and Joel Edgerton. Warner Bros, 2013. film

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