Shakespeare MacBeth
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Shakespeare Macbeth
To beware of MacDuff, no man born of a woman can harm him, he is safe until Birman woods come to Dunsinane hill.
No; they describe a child crowned with trees, he thinks he will be successful in keeping the crown and needs to produce an heir to inherit it. The meaning was trees are the future dander that he will never vanish until Birnam woods vanish.
MacDuff is a nobleman of Scotland and an enemy of Macbeth. The husband of the lady, MacDuff’s and father to young MacDuff.
Because he is the only one who can kill him, he is born of caesarean meaning not born by a woman but ripped out of her womb.
The ghosts express Macbeth’s internal guilt and unstable mind. Banquo’s ghost makes him seek advice from the weird sisters and realize she shouldn’t be the king. Lady Macbeth starts doing things while asleep, she washes her hands meaning she is cleaning herself but the guilt becomes too much until she commits suicide.
To plea for kingship as he is not worthy and no desire to become a king but MacDuff refuses saying he is loyal and is supporting as he is the rightful owner of the crown.
Because of fear. MacDuff is not loyal to him, so he kills his family to threaten him to return from England and submit to him. MacDuff reacts with sorrow and grief, blaming himself for not being there to protect them. The reaction is central to the theme of nature; a king who loves his kingdom and has pure self-interests.
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MacDuff assists in forming an army to fight, remove Macbeth from power and avenge the death of his family.
They fulfill witches’ prophecy; Malcom and his army cut the branches to camouflage, it seems like the Birnam woods are moving hence Macbeth is defeated. He believes no forest can move.
MacDuff and the army arrive in Scotland through the woods and cover themselves while approaching MacBeth’s castle, so it seems like the woods are moving.
(Shakespeare et al. 60 –98).
Work cited
Shakespeare, William, and Arthur Wilson Verity. Macbeth at the University Press, 1901.
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