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Sustainable Development goal 8


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Sustainable Development goal 8
By far and large many developing countries have experienced numerous challenges in achieving the development goals. Debates have been raised especially in drawing the line between human development and economic growth because most of these countries have weak economic capabilities. Kenya is one of the states in eastern Africa that has over the recent years risen to become a commercial harbor in the region. Nonetheless, the country is grappling with many social, political and economic factors that have delayed the implementation of the eighth sustainable development goal (Chatterjee, 2017).
According to the labor organization in the country, the coefficient of inequality stands at nearly 0.5 per cent which is an indication of an unequal society. This means that only a few individuals in the country who have accumulated the largest wealth percentage and millions are lavishing in poverty. The national bureau of statistics further shows that access to social amenities such as schools and hospitals is easier in areas near the capital city compared to marginalized areas which hardly get services (Setting the pace for sustainable growth, _2013).
The country has to aim at promoting inclusivity not only in representation but also in sharing of the government resources. Bearing this in mind, the state will realize its vision 2030 strategic plan of eradicating poverty and empowering its citizens. Additionally, the growing number of unemployment among the youths is worrying, and for the goal to be achieved, solid and specific strategies to provide opportunities to the youths have to be enforced.

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The economics inequalities have been attributed to political marginalization, tribalism and economic crimes such as corruption, nepotism and forgery. The country has to fight these economic crimes as it will go a long way to provide avenues through which the sustainable development goal eight can be implemented and enforced.
Work cited
Setting the pace for sustainable growth: Budget options for 2013/14 and the medium term. (2013). Nairobi: Parliamentary Budget Office.
Chatterjee, Siddharth. Why Achieving SDG Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth Is Critical for Kenya. 28 Mar. 2017, www.capitalfm.co.ke/eblog/2016/12/06/achieving-sdg-goal-8-decent-work-economic-growth-critical-Kenya/.

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