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The Art Of War To Develop Strategies


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The art of war to develop strategies

Art, the war two words within which General Sun Tzu relies to express and develop the strategies to follow to dominate the adversary, so that the strengths, as well as the weaknesses of any army mark an advantage anywhere, in any situation and in any enemy, thus achieving victory in battle.

Sun Tzu, in his book The "Art of War" focuses on an approach that consists in seeking and giving a solution in a prudent, wise and intelligent way to situations that can occur within the battle, at the beginning of the battle, at the end of the end of thebattle, until before starting the battle or if it is prudent to start the battle or retire, and know when it is time to withdraw. In this book it allows us to know the skills and practices that the general got to use when he was in battle. Grants a variety of recommendations that help achieve victories without sometimes making use of aggression. Sun Tzu guides us to reflect and understand the best solution to adversity and that the conflict will not always be the best solution to put an end to battle.

Winning without fighting, conquering without destroying, turning the enemy without fighting, are the teachings of Sun Tzu, which show the idea of winning in the best way. The book The "Art of War" of Sun Tzu, exposes us the teachings of how to act in the face of the conflict where the best way to attack is to always be improving, innovating, preparing, being defensive to any attack that may occur, since "who knows when fighting and when not" because you have to know when it is better to retire and when it is convenient to attack and when not;thus avoid unnecessary losses of both economic, material and human.

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Among the most remarkable of the book are the five elements that Sun Tzu present us, which will help us determine whether you can win the battle or not;The first of these is the doctrine that becomes what the people are in harmony with its ruler, the second is the time that is the change, the opposite (cold heat, ying and yang), the third is the land that isthe distance, the displacement the field;The fourth command that is benevolence, courage, wisdom, and finally the fifth discipline that is understood as the organization of the army.

These elements tell you that to win the war it is very important that your governed, as well as your army trust you, through adequate leadership, which can be concrete if the commander, the emperor knows and works for the bestbenefit to their people, for their army, having them well indoctrinated. The commander gives them security that he is prepared to solve problems that could occur over time, even having factors that cannot be controlled he will know and give the best solution. Because he through experience knows the type of situations that can occur in the field of battle and knows what is the best strategy that will give them victory, since it has enough known to attack any change, the sensitivity toKnow how to respond to the needs and problems of your army and know when to take advantage of the opportunities that arises, which makes it a good leader who sends with order and discipline with which he organizes and maintains an adequate order in the structure of his army,implementing methods that help them when fighting.

To conclude Sun Tzu tells us that "know your enemy and know yourself and you will be triumphed in a thousand battles";because every commander must know his objectives and have them well established and thus see more clearly the situation in which he is and create the best strategy to obtain the victory. Which will be achieved by identifying the needs of the army, knowing the situation, giving adequate solutions and grantors the benefit that the Army deserves for its work.  

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