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The Mediterranean Diet And Its Cultural Importance


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The Mediterranean Diet and its Cultural Importance

The Mediterranean diet is an immaterial good that is articulated as an axis of cultural and gastronomic union between the Mediterranean regions. Even to a conglomerate of knowledge, practices, competences, rituals, traditions and symbols when cooking, transforming and consuming food.

This diet also means the creation of an identity and cultural continuity of the Mediterranean communities. It also has a relevant role as an element of cohesion in cultural spaces, celebrations and festivities. It is necessary to emphasize that, from the collection of food, through its elaboration and its commissioning in local markets, they suppose a series of native characteristics of the process and its development in a given space.

It represents a legacy of yesteryear, so it entails a historical load and knowing about Mediterranean coastal civilizations. That is why it was attributed a significance and connotation of historical-patrimonial values to provide protection. Once the denomination of Intangible Cultural Heritage is achieved, the protection is assured.

As for the dimensions that we will see about this immaterial good, we will begin with the symbolic dimension, which expresses what rights motivate and inspire this public policy through the process of attribution of meaning.

The rights that motivate these policies of cataloging and conservation of intangible assets are given by international instruments in terms of these rights, specifically: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, specifically articles 22 and 27;The International Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, in which we can highlight article 1;and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966.

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Next, we will attend to the case of Spain. First, we would like to highlight the Constitution, as a supreme guarantor of the rights and obligations of the Spaniards. In this case, it seems important to highlight two concrete articles. First, article 43, which establishes ‘the right to health protection and entrusts to public authorities the organization and protection of public health through the adoption of preventive measures that are considered precise’. And, secondly, article 149.1.16 of the Spanish Constitution that ‘attributes to the State the exclusive competence in the field of bases and general coordination of health, and the Autonomous Communities may assume health powers in accordance with the provisions of article 148.1.twenty-one’.

Starting from its entry into UNESCO on January 30, 1953, the activity of Spain in the work of the organization has increased over the last years. Spain is in the Executive Council, as the main body of the organization. From 2007 to 2015. Its presence is also observed in some committees such as the International Coordination Council of the “El Man y la Biosphere’ program or the Intergovernmental Council of the ‘Social Transformations Management’ program. Spain-Unesco relations are channeled mainly through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Next, we will enter the substantive dimension. From this, we prepare to analyze the protection instruments at different levels of government and administration. In this case, these are specific protection measures with a budget allocation for this. This is a background of cultural values that are appealed and during that process of attribution of meaning will be granted that recognition.

This is an area of UNESCO’s measures with the Figures for the Protection of Local, Autonomic and Central Governments. As for the recognition of UNESCO, the Mediterranean diet was registered in 2013 in the representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and this fact already confers great protection of the element treated.

Continuing with the international scope, we find the Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, it is demanded that the entire population has access to healthy diets, such as the Mediterranean, since it looks as fundamental to reaching the 2030 agenda, so it is necessary to protect and promote these diets (8.9.2019, Rome).

Among other initiatives to promote the Mediterranean diet at the international level, FAO recognizes the importance of traditional and native diets worldwide, highlighting its benefits and supporting its protection.

The United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2026-2025) was proclaimed in April 2016 at the General Assembly, as a joint initiative to motivate the action of the Member States and thus be able to convert into reality the commitments listed in the declarationof Rome about nutrition and within the framework of action adopted by the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition, led by FAO and WHO in 2014. Within the framework of the decade, the Member States are asked to adopt specific and quantifiable national commitments with the aim of ending malnutrition worldwide. These commitments can be adopted in 6 transverse areas of nutritionInvestment to improve nutrition ‘,’ safe and support environments propitious at all ages’ and ‘governance and accountability for nutrition’.

We also find some regulations in the European framework, such as’ Regulation 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of December 20, 2006 regarding nutritional statements and healthy properties in food ‘, or’ Regulation 1935/2004 of theEuropean Parliament and the Council, of October 27, 2004, on the materials and objects destined to come into contact with food and for which the Directives 80/590/CEE and 89/109/CEE ‘are repealed’.

As for other immaterial protection figures of governments, we will focus on some specific measures.

First, we would like to emphasize that the Ministry of Tourism addresses for the first time the promotion and support of gastronomic tourism as its own entity sector.

We would also like to highlight the presidential ministerial order ‘PRE/2370/2013, of December 17, which creates the administrative body responsible for the execution of the support program for the celebration of the event of exceptional public interest’ 2014 International Year ofMediterranean diet”.

On July 21, 2010, the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System approved the ‘consensus document on healthy eating in educational centers’, based on scientific evidence and the recommendations of international institutions. This document establishes the nutritional characters of food so that they can be distributed in the spaces established as protected for children as a vulnerable population.

In this way, a series of laws are elaborated at the state level, such as the ‘General Health Law, Law 14/1986’. Article 6 of this Law establishes that ‘the actions of the Health Public Administrations will be oriented to the promotion of health and to promote individual, family and social interest in health through the proper health education of the population’ ’. Article 18 also determines that ‘public administrations, through the health services and competent bodies in each case, will carry out the systematic adoption of actions for health education as a primary element for the improvement of individual and community health’. Article 18.10 Eat these administrations the development of health control and the prevention of health risks derived from food products, including the improvement of their nutritional qualities. A series of decrees are also developed. For example, ‘Decree 39/2019 of promotion of the Mediterranean diet in educational and health centers’.

In the regional field, we observe that there are also concrete measures to protect the Mediterranean diet, as we clearly see in the case of Les Illes Balears. In fact, article 30.48 of the Statute of Autonomy of Les Illes Balears, approved by Organic Law 1/2007, of February 28, attributes to the Autonomous Community of Les Illes Balears the exclusive competence in the field of health promotion in all areas, in theframework of the bases and the general coordination of health. On the other hand, article 31.4 of the statutory norm determines that the legislative development and the execution of health and health.

The normative development of this competence is articulated through Law 16/2010, of December 28, on Public Health of the Balearic Islands. Article 6 defines public health benefits and establishes as benefits in public health, among others, the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity in all age groups, but, above all, in childhood and youth, and the prevention of risk factors in these areas, in line with national and international strategies for nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention.

Also, we would like to comment on the local level, the case of Barcelona, where the Department of Youth is part of the Directorate of Children, Youth and older people in the Social Rights Area. Its mission is to influence youth policies related to academic, occupational, entrepreneurship, housing, association and health areas. In addition, it deals with guaranteeing the transversality of these policies with the different areas of the City Council.

The cross-cutting youth policies focus the 2017-2021 teenage plan, which was developed from the technical contributions of youth professionals, municipal representatives, young people of the city and youth associations.

The department also promotes a catalog of services and young spaces for adolescents and young people in the city of Barcelona, who intends to meet their demands based on their interests and adapt to their needs.

Next, we are about to introduce ourselves in the style dimension. This is constituted by the map of actors, as well as those belonging to civil society, as to the institutions of each territorial level, in addition to taking into account how political parties focus on the issue.

As we can see throughout the previous substantive dimension, we appreciate that the actors map is very extensive, and that it goes from the international sphere to the autonomic or even the premises, through the European and the state level.

First, we have to recognize the UN that, through UNESCO, gives the Mediterranean diet the fundamental importance of which the rest of the protection measures will be derived. Similarly, also FAO, which is the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is an organ that recognizes its importance and transcendence.

Next, we see that at European level there are also several regulations, which make the European Parliament one more actor in the protection of the Mediterranean diet.

At the state level we find several actors. For example, note that the Ministry of Tourism addresses for the first time the promotion and support of gastronomic tourism or also currently highlights the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, which carry out some of the concrete protection measures of this immaterial goodpreviously studied. However, also the regional governments, as we have seen in the case of Balearic Is. Also the Generalitat de Catalunya, from its Department of Agriculture, Ramaderia, Fisheries and Food, or even at the local level from the Barcelona Ajuntament, the Government of Cantabria, or the Ministry of Agriculture of Castilla-La Mancha, as we have seen enteringIn the Mediterranean Diet Foundation.

As for political parties, we were about to analyze the elements related to the Mediterranean diet that we can find in some electoral programs. However, after analyzing several of them, we have discovered that there are no explicit references to protection through concrete measures, but that issues connected with sustainable agriculture are discussed and in relation to food improvement.

As for civil society actors, we find a large number of foundations in favor of the Mediterranean diet as an axis to achieve health. Mainly highlights the Mediterranean Diet Foundation, which encourages the values of the Mediterranean diet, its products and the healthy lifestyle that it represents. We also find the Spanish Heart Foundation, which defends the excellence of the Mediterranean diet to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Finally, we would also like to comment on the existence of the European Institute of the Mediterranean Diet, it was established in July 1995 as support from a group of companies and entities of the agri -food and technological sectors to the promotion of the values of the values ofThe Mediterranean Diet in general and the future implementation of an Institute for Research, Development and Promotion of the Mediterranean Diet in particular. And finally, the Association for the Development of the Mediterranean Diet.

Finally, we now prepare to carry out an analysis of the operational dimension, which will establish the forms of management of the measures mentioned above by the institutions and other state agencies and at other levels of government.

First, we will talk about the European Union, as a hierarchical superior. In this case, the Union finances the programs and the defense of agriculture, through the PAC and other plans, especially in countries of the Mediterranean basin. These countries are benefited by these policies, since their agrarian activity is very sustainable and favoring the necessary elements of the Mediterranean diet that entails so many health benefits.

Similarly, the State collaborates with several entities in defense of this dietary and life model. This is the case of the Spanish Heart Foundation, which is beneficiary of aid for the promotion of diet promulgating that it is a key element for the health of our heart, since studies show that it reduces up to 30% cardiovascular risks. There are also collaboration relationships International Osteoarthritis Foundation (OAFI), which defends the Mediterranean diet model as a way of prevention of osteoarthritis and other bone and joint diseases.

Also, we would like to highlight the existence of concrete studies by prestigious universities, such as the Complutense University of Madrid. This reiterates in various investigations that the best prudent, healthy and sustainable diet model is the Mediterranean diet. Its foundation is based on comparing the different styles and habits of life in different countries and cultures, ratifying the superiority of this.

Finally, comment that there is a World Mediterranean Diet Day, dated November 13, which constitutes recognition of the ideal diet and all its benefits.

In conclusion, the promotion and defense of the Mediterranean diet as the best food style, is subject to all the above considerations. Its relevance is of such a nature, that in addition to being registered since 2013 in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, there are a lot of concrete measures for the defense of the same, both at the international and state level, thus seeingthat take place at different levels of government. Therefore, we consider the Mediterranean diet as the main axis on which to articulate our vital habits to achieve the ideal of the fundamental aspects of our lives.  

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