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The Theme Of Intellectuality In Non -Formal Education


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The theme of intellectuality in non -formal education


The following essay is intended to raise the issue of “intellectuality in non -formal education”, where it is intended to publicize the approach that can share the theory of different authors, reinforcing it with scientific research where they make us know that learning significant predominates in non -formal education. To deepen opinions referring to the subject, it is necessary. We also understand intellectuality through the definition of intellect as understanding, rational cognitive power of the human soul., which allows learning, understanding, reasoning, making decisions and forming a specific idea of ​​reality that is reflected as visual memory. Entering the subject we mention the renowned author with the following phrase: "The child does not store knowledge but builds them through interaction with surrounding objects" Jean Piaget (19th century). Which is understood as the student in addition to acquiring knowledge in the classroom also builds it through interaction with the environment, that is, when it relates to their peers, it is already acquiring knowledge which is being guided to the brain by nerve endings which which which They travel to the central nervous system that impuls student defining their main potentialities, which is translated into which resembles a constructivist methodology learning., According to author Jean Piaget (1.896-1.980) indicates: “The main goal of education is to create men who are able to do new things, not simply to repeat what other generations have done; men who are creative, inventors and discoverers.

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The second goal of education is to form minds that are critical, that can verify and not accept everything that is offered to them ”. It is currently reflected in the generation that seeks to implement new tools for the process of acquiring learning through stimuli, which try to deliver possibilities that involve their thinking and in the way in which the new learning is acquired trying to cover different areas according to the style learning of each boy and girl making the stimulus reach them significantly, since they can identify each style and thus complement it. The utility of the school must be understood, according to Piaget (1980)… “as a gradual and pedagogical help so that whoever is captured by itself only a knowledge through independent search and a natural and voluntary work, which which It will enable students to achieve a programming system and problem solving that will always be worth it ”. Therefore, it strengthens opt for an education that causes greater educational benefit as you can identify it and thus opt for an option as a new methodology. We can currently find types of teachings that are called alternative pedagogy based on the realization of dynamics that encourage individualized cooperative learning where students become active characters in the acquisition of their own learning, backed by the family who are key in this Educational Methodology, managing to validate their method in the contents they teach and how is the functionality, the student’s maturation process will depend a lot on this method since students are not labeled unlike conventional schools; One of its main characteristics that stand out in the methodology is to enhance artistic skills, teach languages, cultures, painting theater.


Supporting the central theme that is “the intellectuality in non -formal education” we find opinions of studies that are related, of which we present from which we highlight the following contributions [“constructivism as theory and teaching method”], mainly deals with the process educational and the way that acquires knowledge based on a daily stimulus which is learned by observation with the environment in which it is intrinsicly inserted as extrinsic. The document studies primary aspects of this teaching approach and how to apply it through the current systematic way that includes evaluations that demonstrate knowledge. However, we try to add new techniques and ideas, the contents for the facilitation of this learning, in it there are aspects that are related, to the natural environment and results are achieved. Add the didactic knowledge about what is taught, which can be differentiated by specific capos training teachers, are main actors as a facilitator of the acquisition of any type of teaching, using methodologies, which tries to adapt to the own needs they present the students….“Of what is taught, but constitutes a specific field of teaching work, which covers a whole range of reflections on the relationship that the teacher has with his students and the conditions in which the process is carried out of teaching-learning “(Gaitán, López, Quintero and Salazar, 2012: 105).

Constructivism is taken as an option in education, understand that it is possible to release students, so that they acquire all kinds of learning autonomously which will be related to the student’s maturation which intends that this acquires knowledge at their own pace … “An interaction between the teacher and the students, a dialectical exchange between the knowledge of the teacher and those of the student, so that a productive synthesis can be reached for both and, consequently, that the contents are reviewed to achieve a significant learning.”It is the phrase that includes that he tries to perform an analysis of the theoretical framework that supports this methodology to be valid as a pedagogical practice. When performing the systematic review that supports this theory, everything is led to having to be validated by an evaluation process. This is why it becomes important to reflect on the argument that is related to mechanical learning of the student from which the Ausubel author refers.

To continue supporting in the theoretical framework and delivering accurate information we will rely on the postulate of the so -called "social theory of Ausubel", who refers to social theory: ["For a long time it was considered that learning was synonymous with change of behavior, behavior, behavior, behavior, behavior, This, because he dominated a behavioral perspective of educational work; However, it can be said with certainty that human learning goes beyond a simple change in behavior, leads to a change in the meaning of experience. Human experience not only implies thinking, but also affectivity and only when they are considered together, the individual is trained to enrich the meaning of his experience. To understand the educational work, it is necessary to take into consideration three elements of the educational process: the teachers and their way of teaching; the structure of the knowledge that make up the curriculum and the way in which it occurs and the social framework in which the educational process is developed. The above develops within a psychoeducational framework, since educational psychology tries to explain the nature of learning in the classroom and the factors that influence it, these psychological foundations provide the principles for teachers to discover for themselves the methods the methods of more effective teaching, since trying to discover methods for "essay and error" is a blind procedure and, therefore unnecessarily difficult and antieconomic "] Citation: Ausubel: 1983. It is interpreted under the teacher’s own abilities in understanding and identify Highlight the student guided by the support of those responsible on the initial path of taking a learning style that is unique or complementary to education that an individual can receive.

We share relevant information of a next study that approaches the theory and the topic that we have to deepen as the main axis of the main study “intellectuality in non -formal education” and we manage to see how various disciplines deliver their contributions; The following scientific article [is called "non -formal education: potentialities and social value". Who understands terms to identify when internalizing in the possibilities that ada delits one. When referring to non -formal education (ENF) that is understood as a hegemonic school paradigm as an exclusive place for the development of educational activity or formal education (EF). The study emphasized the search for the potentialities of non -formal education (ENF), seeing it in this way as a complement highlighting the essentials of the student leading to context diversity, opening possibilities in varieties according to the geographical zone that is found student and how can you opt for possibilities of this type of existing education. In the opinion outside the theoretical context, it is reflected that today the conventional education system seeks to label the student through the validation of a qualification without taking aspects such as the socialization of the individual and the acquisition of soft skills that are of the utmost importance for the long of human development. Entering the research also adds that in the articulation they use for their techniques called in Si and Popular Education (EP), as well as its extended use to Education for Sustainable Development (EDS).

[…] School is just a historical institution. There has not always been or anything allows to ensure its perennity. It has been and is functional to certain societies, but what is really essential to any society is education; The school constitutes only one of the ways that it has adopted and, in addition, never exclusively (Trilla, 2009, p. 100)., It is tried to make known that the physical place that is understood as a school is not necessarily the place where knowledge can only be acquired. For its part, the second criterion states that ‘[…] formal education and non -formal would be carried out methodically, while the informal would be asystematic’ (Trilla, 2009, p. 115). The concept of ‘methods’ and its form of knowledge transmission is highlighted. […] A criterion of differentiation and specificity of the function or the educational process ’(Trilla, 2009, p. 115). At this point the author tries to make known that the differentiation is where the educational contents that are intended to be applied under a non -formal methodology are located, thus adding necessary to understand it to apply it. The report also delivers a concept called andrology and relates it to non -formal education and education for sustainable development. Researchers conceive it as ‘a method’, such as ‘an art’ or as ‘a science’ (Hazu, 2013; Alcalá, 2003, p. 10.; López, 2010, P. 3. 4). This tries to expose learning from another point of view which offers a method of acquiring friendly learning for young children and adults perhaps being the modality that is expected to have in the future leaving after the model which does not lead the human being to recognize and work other areas… “The principle of self-concept of student or individual: in the pedagogical model both the teacher and the student assume that the second has a condition of dependence on the first, in the andrological model it is assumed that the student has a Concept of himself as a responsible, self-directed and autonomous person, capable of self-heading in the learning process, rejecting those acts in which it is intended to impose a criterion that is not himself.“(Sánchez, 2015, pp. 93-96; Melonari, 2011, P. 7). In the proposed model it seeks that the student can investigate, reflect and self-be known what is the model that adapts according to their learning standards, being autonomous in the acquisition of learning looking for competencies beyond the conventional ones creating competent people in all the people in all the Areas and with a sustainable approach to your environment in this case the teacher or guardian is not only learning facilitator but in addition to this leads his role beyond internalizing in adjustments so that learning is appropriate to all apprentices by their own acquired and recognized criteria. Principle of self-concept of student or individual: In the pedagogical model both the teacher and the student assume that the second has a condition of dependence on the first, in the andrological model it is assumed that the student has a concept of himself as a responsible person , self-directed and autonomous, capable of self-heading in the learning process, rejecting those acts in which it is intended to impose a criterion that is not the same. (Sánchez, 2015, pp. 93-96; Melonar, 2011, P. 7). In today’s society, on the one hand, a standardization and consequent social recognition are needed (academic titles that prove the educational level or the ability to act of the individual) of certain knowledge and skills that make up certain relationships and, on the other, a space non -formal that allows the development of knowledge, skills, values ​​that cannot be formed in the ‘EF framework’. The transcendence of the ENC covers from the conditions of access and permanence, to the future possibilities of performance in specific jobs. It helps to reduce unemployment, reduce poverty, to increase equity and accessibility to better life forms; so that it contributes to endogenous development and the consolidation of social advances.] Rev. Cuban Edu. Superior vol.36 No.1 Havana Ene.-apr. 2017 / "Non -formal education: potentialities and social value".


At the conclusion of this essay we have managed to recognize the meaning of theoretical learning, both relational to the acquisition of learning according to a model that makes different styles of recognized learning which invites us to explore and enter into our interior and thus understand and know learning autonomously and efficiently and validate the intellectuality that covers different areas where the conventional system has not wanted very often explored. ["Sensomotor intelligence is a practical adaptation, lived in the outside world"] (Thong, 1981, p.27). It reinforces us that acquiring the habit of recognizing existence and validating its characteristics in the learning method is delivered the possibility we have mentioned to acquire learning learning through everyday life in a mechanical way, what they call non -formal education to formal education is not valid The capacities acquired to categorize intellectuality, since it is possible to find in both methodologies an learning, however we reinforce the idea that this learning is postulated through previous learning. Finally we cite the author who refers to this. Ausubel says: “The student must express a willingness to relate substantially and not arbitrarily the new material with its cognitive structure, such as the material he learns is potentially significant for him, that is, related to his knowledge structure on a non -arbitrary basis ”(Ausubel; 1983).

Bibliography /Web spelling

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