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The Use of Cell Phones and the Academic Performance


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The Use of Cell Phones and the Academic Performance
The major findings of the study conducted by Andrew Lepp, Jacob E. Barkley, and Aryn C. Karpinski showed clarity and firm stand that overuse of mobile phones had an adverse effect on students and their academic performance. As the advent of technologies created a powerful impact on people in all walks of life, its effect has spread over the course of actions and manners of life among people such as parents, students, and teachers. Sometimes, such influence of cell phones on students has bought the attention of parents and teachers who should work together to bring the light of the problems regarding academic setting. The presence of mobile or cell phones, which greatly helped students communicate with other people, has posed issues in students’ academic performances. Although there have been some studies that indicated no impact of cell phones use on students’ academic performances, other experts made a challenging outcome of their research and established their firm stand that cell phone use had something to do with students’ academic performances.
The major limits of the study focused on students’ official academic records, their basic demographic and personal information, and their interview results from the questions using the SE: AA and SE: SRL scales. As some studies highlighted the issues of cell phone uses, the authors such as Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski in 2015 substantiated the report that the increased use of mobile phones among students lessened their interests in their studies.

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Their findings revealed that an overuse of cell phones affected the students’ academic performances (6). Such confirmation from the authors validated the hypothesis that “the use of cell phones among students dwindled the students’ academic performance” (Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski 7). Although some studies and research works identified the fundamental support of the cell phone among students, Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski, based on their findings, suggested that parents, teachers, and students should work together to confront these academic risks. Hence, this study helped parents and teachers resolve the issues and put an end to these challenges.
The interesting idea about the research fell under the usability of cell phones. There have been cases and studies pertaining to the use of social media networks that linked to the poor academic performances of the students. However, this study concentrated on cell phones with video games, social media applications, and text messaging systems. In 2015, Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski made a credible discussion of the findings that an increased use of cell phones affected the performances of the students (1). Interestingly, this study seemed similar to the previous studies that explored the impact of social media sites on students’ academic performances. It seemed accurate to change the title of the study presented by Lepp, Barkley, and Karpinski since students could access these social media sites including those gaming applications and videos on the cell phones. As suggested, the authors should study the effect cell phone uses based on texting as the primary variable since laptop and desktop computers contain game applications found in cell phones. Perhaps, the authors should compare the impact of the cell phones and computers on the students’ performances and should include one variable such as portability.
Indeed, this study helped parents, students, and teachers recognize the impression of cell phones or other technologies on the academic performances of the learners. In this case, they would also acknowledge the relevance of students’ monitoring and educational supervision among students. Remarkably, this study could change the perceptions of the learners and teachers who worked together towards the students’ academic success. Since the study used regression analysis, Pearson’s correlations, and others, this study offered reliable results.
Works Cited
Lepp, Andrew, Jacob E. Barkley, and Aryn C. Karpinski. The Relationship between Cell Phone Use and Academic Performance in a Sample of U.S. College Students. SAGE: 2015: 1–9. Accessed DOI: 10.1177/2158244015573169.

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