The World Of Sofia And The Impulsive Force Of Adolescence
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DownloadThe world of Sofia and the impulsive force of adolescence
A young woman who still has that impulsive force of adolescence, the natural magic generatedHis life, his being, his time and everything that builds or destroys to reinvent the poetic soul of life.
The letter that appears before turning his fifteen years of age, brings with him the most difficult questions to answer, which question Sofia.
Who are you? Where does the world come from? Among other.
Parts of the book
- The garden of Eden
Sofia Amundsen a teenager located in a city in Norway, perhaps in those countries and cities that we want to know for her beautiful landscapes and natural reserves full of great mysticism, manages to find the questions and enigmas that change her life.
- The cup hat
Jorrunn can represent the friend that the spark of philosophy does not affect, because apparently he has not been born for it, she invites Sofia to play, but it’s too late, because a philosophy course has begun to change the fate of a girlthat almost becomes a lady.
- What is philosophy
After a short time Sofia without knowing why, as and so that, a philosophy course has reached his hands, with which he will make an educational journey on knowledge, knowledge and art of learning and teaching herself, opts forfollow destiny destiny and without return, that being of the philosophy of education.
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- The mythical vision of the world
In the philosophy course, the initiated one called Sofia, manages to read how philosophy as the great method arose in ancient Greece, since the predominant regime was the mythical, what only religions considered as the reason for the cosmos of the cosmos, life and why of the gods. Until the spark of philosophy, I use reason as the power of thought and in response to these questions, then science and logic put aside the beliefs of the mystical, to focus on the objectivity and control of natural things andthe social type.
- Nature and Miletus philosophers
The philosophers of nature found in the latter, the basic and fundamental matter to understand the universe and the laws that possibly ruled it.
- Tales of Miletus: Tales de Mileto Achievement predict a solar eclipse in its time, and consider that water was the origin of everything, and that everything depends on the water in existence.
- Anaximandro: This philosopher I consider the idea of innumerable worlds, saying that the worlds such as Earth and planets were infinite by numerical sequences, thinking about appealing as something that is not defined because it has an eternal character, and that it is capableto create the heavens.
- Anaximens: I also consider the innumerable worlds, and the air as what acted on living and inanimate beings, brewing rarefaction and condensation, generating the hot and cold, and various substances that were the pillar of life.
In these little lessons Sofia achieved the role of education, and its function even before institutions, that is: make life think.
- Elea Parmenides
This philosopher is more given to the logic of language, thought life, being of things and its essences, as something that has existed for eternity, something that does not change, which forever remains fixed and unalterable, and that even when even whenmaterial things if they change, that great eternal being remains fixed and motionless, because nothing can arise from nothing.
- Everything flows
This theory is attributed to Heraclitus, the great philosopher who expressed that everything was changing, flowed and constantly transformed, because even time was modified. Therefore, we cannot "desce. That is, we change and ultimately things too.
These statements indicate the educational act still not institutionalized, so the philosophy of education is older than formal academies.
- The four elements
Empédocles I consider that water and air would not be enough for everything that flows, because it also needed the earth and fire, and thus the four elements would combine to generate things.
- Some of everything in everything
The philosopher Anaxágoras I consider that there should be some very tiny and even invisible physical particles, which had something of everything in everything, or a little of everything, the nous or intelligent seeds that produced life and things.
- Democritus
The Democritus philosopher acknowledged that perhaps the seeds would be particles that would be called atoms, particles of matter that built the whole just like a puzzle, and once they do something they can continue forming endless things.
First Tour of Education
The first journey of education focused on leaving the mythological behind, and later in the inquiries of reason and the certainty of the material, or the physical of nature to explain how the world worked. Then not depending on academic institutions and titles, they could be called just right: ‘free thinkers’.
- Socrates
Socrates of Athens represented before and after philosophers, because he was not interested in those physical issues, because he understood that any individual is not just a physical piece of matter, but also a rational being capable of exercising the struggle for democracy,its political existence and the work in a fair way.
On the other hand, the philosopher understood that dialogue was necessary to get individuals out of their ignorance, and that after reflecting everyone could discover truths and answers, because something divine lived in their being.
- Plato
Plato The disciple of Socrates was the one who wrote about the thought of his teacher, for this philosopher the ideas were perfect and will serve for the design of material things, as if they were mental maps that allow to some extent to shape reality.
For Plato the soul was also immortal, justice should be the ultimate end of the government, the reason the guide of human life, education the way to forge the soul, and this soul understood as something good, fair, beautiful, honest,Pure and away from the spots of injustice for social, family and personal work.
- Aristotle
Aristotle combined a part of the political thought of the philosopher Plato, with his own ideas about science, trying to go beyond the philosophers of nature and the world of the ideas of his teacher Plato.
He advanced politics, metaphysics, ethics, logic and the way of designing categories for natural sciences.
Second Tour of Education
This tour also took place in Greece from Socrates to Aristotle, and not in an accidental way, since these philosophers already considered the great political, social and ethical value of education, because they believed that the man guided by the Corce de la Razón;He would be a more fair and happy citizen, which would make others righteous and happy, so that they could discuss consensus, that they made life in the city, a weight of weight to live together.
- Hellenism
For Jostein Gaarder, Hellenism was able to break the barriers between the countries and cultures of that time, since religions and cultures became common to each other, an issue that gesture and partly managed to develop that disciple of Aristotle, Alexander the Great.
On the other hand, the Greek culture managed to enter sublime in almost all the cultures of the world, especially impact to the Romans, which were in some innovative things such as war and law, but in almost everything else, they adopted theGreek world and its worldview of reality.
Says the author of the world of Sofia: as I have already mentioned, Hellenistic philosophy continued working on the ideas and approaches treated by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The three tried to look for the most dignified and better way to live and die for human beings.
- The cynics
Who seems to be the best representative is Diogenes, considering that to become happy, material goods are not necessary, considering that man from within and the management of his consciousness can be happy.
- The Stoics
It is attributed as the founder of that philosophical doctrine to Zeno de Citio, originally from Cyprus, which considered that only virtue can make a happy life, did not reach the extremes of seeking vanity or luxuries, nor, discarding moderationIn having things. For him, being had to be very free of disturbance, and this was achieved by controlling affections and passions.
- The Epicureans
Epicurus of Samos its founder, taught that the human being could enjoy the pleasures and live them intensely, but not in an unconscious way, since Jostein Gaarder wrote down: Epicurus said it was important that the pleasant result of an action was always evaluated withits possible side effects. If you have ever put yourself bad for having eaten too much chocolate, you will understand what I mean. That is, he focused more on all the pleasures of the soul, because he sought moderation and detachment at the psychological level.
Third Education Tour
From the Greeks in question and the journey of Hellenism, one can think of the history of education, since these as well as teachers of all times and times, which are not elite or spoiled by the destiny of typeSocioeconomic, they know that teaching is a long way for poverty and detachment of the senses, and yet they feel happy.
- Neoplatonism
According to the author the most important Neoplatonic was Plotinus (205-270 D. of c.), which studied philosophy in Alexandria, but then went to live in Rome. It is worth taking into account that it came from Alexandria, a city that for a hundred years had been the great meeting place between Greek philosophy and an orientalist mysticism. In my concept, Plotino was not biblical as the sinful brother named Martin Luther and Calvin, the great reformers.
- Jump to the Semites
The semites were characterized by being monotheists, unlike those of polytheistic cut, in this they were more rational, because they saw in one God the creation and the final judgment, therefore, from this people Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ofThe three, Christianity for being of Christ is the sublime, since it is the new covenant, and there is no reference to that false gospel of prosperity and miracles, no, there is no talk of those companies of Satan.
- Jesus of Nazareth
The Jewish people blinded in their own paths and opinions, waited for the Messiah, which, like King David, would bring them liberation with great military and political power, but Jesus Christ came to them the Son of God, and when he showed them that he did notThey were children of the patriarchs and who were blind, they sought to kill him to silence the living consciousness of the eternal God.
- The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is divided into three parts by historians, of that at some point you can glimpse persecution against thinkers, death in the name of God, their God, not the God of Scripture, the crime of the priests allied to thePower, corruption and falsehood, but it must be followed:
Who represented a theological and thought advance was St. Augustine, he was influenced by Plato’s teachings, and immersed himself in the Scriptures to see the greatness of God, and his great rational power to guide the thinkers to the light road, and thuspurify the soul of the irrational madness that denies God.
It is also found to Tomas de Aquino, influenced by Aristotle, who was aware of God and his divine writing as the most perfect revelation, showing that He is the beginning of everything.
Fourth Tour of Education
From Neoplatonism to the Middle Ages, you can see education and its thinking in action inside reason and faith, which are not at all incompatible, only that there are those who believe for believing, and become very naive,They are deceived and stolen by ignoring the renovated and biblical gospel, which allows us to be physical, philosopher, astronomer, biologist, etc. And there is a insane reason to believe in the blind fatality of an inert matter creating rational beings. But education is not scared, it is willing to dialogue in faith and reason, two paths that should not be separated, should only be separated from churches or institutions.
- Jump to Descartes
Descartes considered the pillar of rationalism, but Plato also was, what did Descartes quite well wasIt determines the existence, it is perhaps the safest place to think and then exist, of which it entails that only the most accurate knowledge value is to go through the doubt, to test it and verify it, so that the most accurate, rational, clear evidenceAnd different, it will be the so -called true knowledge.
- Spinoza
Spinoza did not separate matter and spirit as Descartes, for him, the geometric and logical method was enough to find concrete and clear evidence, and in relation to God, not the eternal God, he considered that he was represented in the matter or nature, andthat things were God and God nature, not something indigenous, more towards pantheism, but that should be studied.
- Locke
Locke could be considered a great pillar of psychology, by immersing himself in empiricism, because he considered the senses as the totality of the experience, and those senses fueled by a mental perception, would make impressions in the mind, hence the importance of the fivesenses and the perception that is able to manifest them through the brain and mental representations.
- Hume
Hume another empiricist and pillar of the philosophy of the mind, thought of the models of the mind, the simple and complex, already considering features of the phenomenology and the theory of knowledge, you can already investigate. I consider that the phenomena are given to the senses, but the cause and effect must be sought.
Fifth tour of education
Several times I have mentioned even at the University of Tolima, that the history of philosophy is the history of education, so those who claim to be scientists of the century, or say that philosophy is pure speculation. Since, philosophy from antiquity to the 21st century, continues to change the world in various ways and ways, still involved in science.
That is, philosophy does not fear or fear science, because she is her teacher, and even today she continues to teach science to take her first steps.
- I jumped to Kant
Kant the German philosopher was transfusing like all the previous ones, made contributions in various branches of knowledge and human knowledge, and thoroughly study everything that related to empiricism and intuition, the a priori and posteriori. Which you can study autonomously. Well, he opened the phenomenal world.
- Hegel
Another philosopher that costs to understand, Hegel work the category being, nature and spirit, saying that being is understandable and realizable through logic and concepts, nature through physical laws, and the spirit in the quality ofThe last reality and the highest reason, which ruled the story and its various stadiums.
- Kierkegaard
This philosopher was also aware of phenomenology, but in the existential he dared to affirm that life is a choice and a set of elections, so what we are and do in this life is part of those elections, but the inevitableThe elections, that is a great paradox.
- Marx
In one of my works I wrote
Marx’s theories about the way in which societies are structured through class division, remain in force until today in the globalization process. Since, society is framed in social strata, some quite poor and vulnerable, and the others that have the capacity for acquisition, education and business training. Of course, these social phenomena were possible and they are still, for something that Marx already glimpsed in the relations of the State and their interest in taking care, protecting and ensuring the perpetuation of the upper classes, namely:
The bureaucracy, in Hegel’s analysis, says Marx, arises from the separation of the State and civil society, which corresponds to the separation of particular interests and the ‘universal that exists in and for itself’. Marx points out the negative character of the bureaucracy, since it perceives that where she appears ’the general interest of the State begins to become an‘ separate interest ”. And thus becomes the ‘state awareness’, in the will of the State ’, in a‘ particular society, closed arbitrarily in the State ’.
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