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Use Of Television As An Educational Medium


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Use of television as an educational medium


Television is known by the audience as a means of social communication, considered, one of the most important for the development of people’s education and culture, however, with the passing of time we have seen television from two from twoperspectives;psychological through the close relationship between the number of hours before television and low levels of intelligence and the other from an educational perspective, showing negative relationships between academic performance and in certain areas and programsof TV.

The predominance of television in Ecuador has given way to the normal and natural development of children is disturbed by poorly applied communication strategies in this medium. The priority factors in their early stages of people’s development is education and sports, currently communication has generally undergone economic interest changes and interests of powers, so in Ecuador television is the main definitive factor of predominanceIn the development of early childhood education.

Through television we could achieve clear and precise objectives in the formation of children, television is a powerful means of communication that has the responsibility of informing, educating, entertaining and guiding their viewers.

At present, television programs addressed to children are ridiculous in our environment, due to little child production, the content is not appropriate for cartoons, not because it is a special series for boys and girls, it tells us that they are adequate, in large part of them they show acts of violence, unreal images are presented that does not benefit minors.

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Television Education


Decades ago, the media have spoken and their importance in society with each of their functions, informing, entertaining and giving opinions, no doubt to continue doing so, they have constantly evolved accelerated, innovating new technologies and persuasions to achieve the attention of the attention of thepublic. The story has been provoking with great contributions to man during his career, since the printing press appeared, the first newspapers were born, in the same way that each of the media emerged (Rodríguez, 2017). The latter is linked to magnos.

According to a study by (Borja & Loor, 2018) the radio, press, television, internet, etc., They are the media considered a fundamental part of the life of the modern human being. It is worth mentioning that the media are technologies created to improve communication and information within the communication processes of society, as well as to respond to the needs created among its members.

The creativity and ingenuity that each media has had to achieve to captivate many homes is infinite, not only responds to the different deficiencies of the human being, but more than that has managed to create new needs even without being accurate. There is no doubt that the media have allowed society to grow in the sense of interaction, communication and information. (Beltrán, 2018).

Currently, the media transmit messages that are increasingly extensive and that penetrate and become part of the general public, to the point that they have lent themselves to be teaching engines (Estrella, 2018). The educational role of the media is of great importance and must be present in each of them in their different functions, and this cannot be framed in a temporary period, but must last in permanent education, so that the media areNot only are they education carriers, but they are instruments that regulate teaching.

The educational role played by the media is attributed to the development they have had and to the management of the information they have, in addition to having the possibility of addressing great masses. Looking back, we can see that much of the unification of cultures and learning is the result of the changes that the media have made by the hand of society (Vesga, 2018).

The large part of the television channels are private and stateEducating and in the remote case that they do, is scarce. UCSG Televisión is a communication company that since its inception had educational purposes and is the only one that provides training to society.

Most television media are constantly in competition and do so to obtain qualifications and, therefore, have benefits, which in the long run are harmful to society, television is the one with the greatest impact, since it is ameans that has won a privileged position within the population in relation to other media (Varela, 2016).

After reviewing some programs transmitted by these media, it was evident that many of the presenters who are at the forefront do not have a professional title in journalism or similar, however, they carry out programs that have been a success for the channel, on the otherside, the lack of investigation and journalism in different news that are limited to presenting only yellow information, a clear example of this is incredible, transmitted at 7:00 p.m. As there are other programs more than their only purpose, there are few channels that present educational programs including Telerama, UCSG Televisión, Ecuador TV and Unsolio Televisión (Icaza, 2017).

Development of educational television in the country

As mentioned (Intriago, 2015) that: among the specific functions with which the media are handled, it is considered to inform and entertain, but excludes that of educating. With the clear exception of the programming explicitly considered within the educational and cultural gender, which can be part of a study plan or program.

It is known that within the media, television in relation to other media has gained an important place in each of the Ecuadorian homes, so it could be said that it is one more member within the family and that is whythat you must recognize your social function, since it is not just about informing, but about forming society.

Use of television in Ecuador as an educational medium.

Currently, television has become part of educational centers as a resource to give knowledge, which thanks to technological advances have occurred in recent decades, they have had to advance to the rhythm demanded by it. We know that today there are many mechanisms that facilitate education from portable devices and, in fact, the same relationship between television and the Internet (Alvear, 2019).

The educational processes of both students and teachers have had the opportunity to grow in the use of technological mechanisms and ideological, although it is true, today many research studies are carried out from the comfort of the home, interacting through social networks, which has allowed to experience a different process teaching and learning (Barrera, 2015).

Within this context, it can be determined that television used as education can be an essential complement in the learning process for students, however, teachers and educational institutions do not consider it well because most programs lack aeducational structure. In other words, they were created to entertain but not to educate, comics, cartoons, shows, etc. They have no teaching bases and, therefore, they cannot be part of a curricular reform, but on the other hand, there are programs with training bases since they began in this market and that are not immersed in any educational training process withinof schools, and this may be because they are not illustrative but even more creative, which means that many programs die in the attempt.


  • By relating education and communication, we can say that these disciplines are practically focused on the same, taking into account this we can affirm that the different series of educational programs, television to learn are based on an educational structure with a communicational format, which allows strengtheningThe teaching of those who observe it, through issues based on the daily life of society, accompanied by didactic videos and using the different subjects that the Basic General Education curriculum of the Ministry of Education.
  • The various elements used by the media are diverse and varied, each one has their respective objectives, in order to capture much of the audience. In our country, particularly, it is about achieving this through a network of programs composed of soap operas, reality shows, shows, comedies and, above all, programs for children, of which there are few or almost none that contribute to strengthening theChildren’s learning in schools.
  • The media are a powerful bond for learning, however, this does not mean that it will always be positive, because this will depend on the group that observes them, the different criteria they handle and based on what they are perceiving, with the only eagernessto meet your needs.



  1. Alvear, k. (2019). Use of social networks in the education of the Fiscal Educational Unit “Durán” 2018. Guayaquil.
  2. Barrera, d. (2015). Development of a multimedia instruction. Ambato.
  4. Borja, m., & Loor, to. (2018). ANALYSIS OF THE EDUCA PROGRAM broadcast by TC Televisión and its educational impact on young people from 12 to 18 years of the Gallegos Lara de Guayaquil cooperative, 2018. Guayaquil.
  5. Star, i. (2018). The transformation of Ecuadorian television following the promulgation of the Organic Law of Communication. Malaga.
  6. Icaza, and. (2017). Study of the feasibility of the creation of a TV channel at the Faculty of Social Communication. Guayaquil.
  7. Intriago, j. (2015). Study of the influence of the Programs and Educational Programs of Ecuadorian television, for the creation of a segmented program for children from 8 to 11 years of the Guayaquil canton. Guayaquil.
  8. Rodríguez, m. (2017). Analysis of the television pedagogy of education. Caracas.
  9. Varela, o. Yo. (2016). EDUCOMUNICATION IN THE DISPLACE: Model for the development of videoclasses. Virtual Magazine Universidad del Norte (48), 15-32.
  10. Vesga, or. (2018). Educommunication, through audiovisual creation: three experiences in Colombia. Colombia.

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