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Utilizing knowledge gained in training for better teaching revised


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Utilizing knowledge gained in training for better teaching

Utilizing knowledge gained in training for better teaching
Teachers are professionals who should have a lot of experience before going to classrooms. They should have the necessary knowledge to teach students according to current standards. I will ensure that I gain from the training to improve the culture and instruction in the classroom. To achieve this, I will have to apply an effective strategy, engage students in classroom activities, giving students my knowledge and create a culture which promotes the success of learners. With these and other objectives, I can improve my profession and the achievement of students in the class. The paper, therefore, explains my agenda for the teaching practice after undertaking training. The article states the reasons why I should be chosen to take training at Ron Clark Academy and the benefits I will acquire from the exercise.
One of the subjects taught in the school is how to improve discipline among students. I can achieve the strategy by developing a different practice from the other teachers at Craven Country Schools.. Learners will welcome a teacher who gives them learning opportunities, not just the typical talking and reading about classroom studies. As a teacher, I will also have to collaborate with other teachers to help in dealing with discipline among students (Fox, Muccio, White and Tian, 2015). Similarly, I will look closely at work done by students and share what I have observed with them.

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Since I am a new teacher, I will have to learn the school culture and see if there is need to improve. With these strategies, I have a better chance to improve the performance of students in the school regarding discipline and knowledge.
Another agenda is the integration of music in the education system. Music is an essential gift we can provide to the young ones because it is a strong foundation for lifetime learning. Through music, I can bottle their happiness, detain their excitement and give them a lifelong imagination. Music is a crucial instrument to enhance and support these enchanted learning experiences (Fox, Muccio, White and Tian, 2015). Additionally, music connects and stimulates various sections of the brain. It is, therefore, an essential structure for their forthcoming days.
Increasing classroom engagement through posting questions of a high order to them in classrooms is another topic which I will learn during the training session. Displaying these subjects to students will assist them to improve their thinking capacity. Learners often apply complex methods of thinking when questioned which in turn develops their thinking skills. These questions take thinking to a new level where learners who use the process have a higher level of understanding than those who memorize mathematical facts (Fox, Muccio, White and Tian, 2015). They understand the components clearly, and this improves their ability to connect them with further concepts.
I will improve the creativity among the children because kids have a lot to learn by involving them in testing and competition. These competitions give them a chance to think broadly and apply the knowledge in classroom examinations. I can implement a game like jumping with a rope to improve their engagement in classrooms. These games make students jovial which makes them efficiently participate in classroom activities (Fox, Muccio, White and Tian, 2015). As a teacher I will promote educational rigor and meet the requirements of all students through planning, responding then mentoring every pupil. These activities will also improve the academic performance of every school children. Lastly, I will develop a culture and climate which promotes the success of students. Most schools mainly focus on academic achievement; I will, therefore, form a culture where kids have a chance to play for some time not only learning all the time.
With these agendas, I can achieve the best performance for the kids and improvement in thinking capacity. My excellent experience after undertaking the training will ensure that all students participate in classroom activities and competitions. All children will have a better chance to improve the classroom performance if the institution allows them to play for sometimes. The paper shows that I will gain a lot of vital information from the training and I stand a better chance to improve the instruction and culture in classroom activities. The data can also be shared with colleagues to come up with better organizational culture. Ron Clark academy should, therefore, consider giving me an opportunity to train with them as a second-year teacher because of how I plan to apply the topics taught.

Fox, R. K., Muccio, L. S., White, C. S., & Tian, J. (2015). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios. European Journal of Teacher Education, 38(2), 154-179.

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