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Flexible Working Arrangements for Employees
To ensure a proper working environment, the management of any company ensures that a conducive working environment is created by availing all the necessary working and other essential equipment they deem necessary for the company’s operations. In the recruitment process, there is the orientation process to acquit new employees with all the functions and the necessary rules and regulations in the company including the time they are required to report to work and when to leave the office once the day’s work is concluded among other regulations. Incentives have however over time become much more attractive to employees with a lot of people even considering the incentives (Gap, W., 2003, 1) that come with an offer other than the income. Different companies have hence adopted different incentives in a bid to attract a workforce, and the adoption of a flexible working environment has since received a lot of appreciation in the corporate world. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the effectiveness of the flexible working arrangements to employees and its impact on the organization.
Research Questions/Objectives
What effect will the adoption of flexibility in the place of work have on the productivity of a furniture company?
What is the impact of the flexible working arrangement (FWA) on the employees’ attitude towards their job?
Will the new strategy, FWA minimize the rate of absenteeism or increase it?
Methodological Approach
The growing rate of technology doesn’t allow anyone to be left a few steps behind; this would mean so much revenue is lost, not to mention the increased cost of productivity and the decline in the market as well.

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The fear of losing what a corporation has built over time is also a driving point to adopting technology or any change that comes their way. The same goes for flexible working arrangements, a lot of corporates are adopting the strategy, which will be a great way of pulling even your employees to their company, don’t think much about your competitors but that is one reason not to rag behind. Nonetheless, before adopting the strategy, there is need to understand its applicability and the entire package that comes with its adoption. Then get to the implementation stage and input all the company has to offer to ensure the successful implementation to enjoy the maximum benefits.
There are a few options for enhanced flexibility in a place of work; one way is through the use of flexible working hours or days (Gap, W., 2003, 2). While the second strategy is the adoption of an optional working environment which means that one could work from home, in the office or anywhere else during their vacations. In a furniture company, however, the strategy adoption could vary based on the department the employees work; for instance, it could be quite hard to adopt a flexible location strategy in the production department hence only the flexibility in working hours can apply. While other departments like accounting and human resources either of the strategies could work but it’s also dependent on the technological advancement of the firm. If all data is computerized, it becomes much easier to operate as opposed to the use of papers.
The adoption of any flexible working strategy has advantages to both the employees and the employer as well. The employee has more time to perform personal tasks which helps them develop themselves both personally and professionally. They will also be more satisfied and enjoy they work more, as they can work around the schedule and adjust it however they want, provide they avail themselves for work for the contractual hours (McNall, Masuda, and Nicklin, 2009, 2). Such a schedule will always serve as a motivation for them to get to work and the productivity of the firm is bound to increase given that employees are not feeling obliged to work about are working out of their will and hence they feel much motivated to work to safeguard their jobs and even get better pays which will not come without the company’s profitability hence, either way, the productivity of the company will always be positive. Although the production may lower in the first few days of implementation of the strategy. However, the implementation strategy may serve as a success or failure of the entire strategy as well. The employer is bound to have more self-driven team players who require less supervision, hence cutting down on the management costs and the work schedules will be spread throughout the day, which gives the employees no room to idle and be less useful to the firm. It also creates a sense of teamwork in the company and improves communication which serves a great role in the efficiency of the firm hence improving production and subsequently profitability.
The flexible working environment, on the other hand, minimizes productive time lost during commuting from home to the office and also minimizes distractions that one could get in the office from colleagues or be worrying that things are not going well at home. With the settled mind, therefore, the employees can be more productive (Flexibility, W., 2010, 1), they also have a sense of control in that they can decide when to work. The employer on the other hand benefits in that they could cut down on office space hence saving up on rent, equipment and furniture. In the case of the furniture firm, however, they could transform some of the rooms to workshops or stores for the ready furniture. There is a reduction in absenteeism, and they enjoy an increased production.
Nonetheless, there is the control bit that could be a little costly in the implementation stage, but adequate control has to be put in place to ensure that employees adhere to the set regulations and that they work for the stipulated hours. For instance, a biometric system of logging in when they arrive and signing out that shows the number of hours the employee was in the office and maintaining a high-level communication between the management and the employees distant workers to and ensure that everyone is moving at the same pace or even requiring them it avail themselves in the office for several days in a week say two days.
Data Collection
The most appropriate method of data collection, in this case, is the secondary data collection method; the use of a case study to benchmark. It involved a review of different flexible working arrangements adopted by different companies and coming up with the viable option for the furniture company.
Data Analysis
Upon evaluating the methods that are convenient for the company, an analysis of the most appropriate and applicable method gauging on the productivity of the firm, and convenience to clients, employee satisfaction. The ease of implementation; training of managers to be able to manage the system, costs of implementing and solving the problems that arise with the system, the most efficient and viable method was selected.
Results and Findings
Given the company’s line of work, it’s apparent that the presence of employees is required at all times especially in the production department of the firm. Adopting the flexible work arrangement should however not be such trouble since they could adopt one that caters to their needs provided they select a good implanting team. The manager could, for instance, offer the employees in the production department and other departments that require their hands on skill a flexible working hour’s schedule, with eth provision of working at least eight hours a day. This will always endure there are people in the firm and work is being carried out as needed.
Nonetheless, they ought to plan appropriately for the transition and adopt the best policy to ensure a quiet transition without hurting the clientele or the productivity of the firm. A good implantation strategy could, for instance, entail listing of the most important aspects of the firm, them an identification of possible options, e.g., the flexible hours or workplace, they could even seek employees feedback on the matter. Then formulate policies and communicate them clearly without ambiguity. The process could then take phases to implement or run a pilot to evaluate the performance and get feedback (Gap, W., 2003, 2), make changes where necessary and communicate and continue monitoring the process and make appropriate changes up to a certain period when the entire process is up and running as agreed.
Reference list.Gap, W., 2003. Flexible work arrangements.
McNall, L.A., Masuda, A.D. and Nicklin, J.M., 2009. Flexible work arrangements, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions: The mediating role of work-to-family enrichment. The Journal of psychology, 144(1), pp.61-81.
Flexibility, W., 2010. Flexible Work Arrangements. see note 65.

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