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Parasitic diseases: malaria Introduction Parasitarian diseases constitute an important world public health problem. Its prevalence is greater in Third World countries, where they a...

Parameters and advances for housing comfort Introduction The term thermal comfort that condition that expresses the sensation that the body has with the environment that surrounds ...

Panic of having to go to an airplane Introduction If you are one of those who feel panic about the sole idea of having to climb to an plane, you......

Pacheco Tineo vs. Family Case Test. Plurinational status of Bolivia In 1990, parents were prosecuted and detained in Peru (their country of origin) because they had supposedly comm...

Pablo Neruda's works style Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, or as we know him, Pablo Neruda, was born in 1904, on June 12 in the Chilean Parral City which is......

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Overweight and childhood obesity, youth and diabetes risk Introduction It is known that a risk factor in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM II) in adults is obesity. However, there are.....

Our individual person identity At present, people usually characterize themselves by their way of life, religious feelings and beliefs are a set of their own characteristics that b...

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Ottoman Empire in World War I Introduction There is an old Arab proverb who says fi al-haraka baraka, which is translated as, which can be interpreted as . This proverb......

Osteoporosis, bone metabolic disease Osteoporosis is considered the most frequent bone metabolic disease. Among its main characteristics, it stands out for a decrease in bone mass ...

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Osteoporosis and its relationship with sedentary lifestyle   In 1940, the DR. Fuller Allbright noticed that many of his patients who had weak bones problems and fractures were eld...

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Osmosis and kidney anatomy Introduction The present research makes a main focus on knowing the way in which it works and a fundamental part of our body works, the urinary......

Origin of the sexual revolution and the right of women in the 60s The sexual revolution or better known as a liberation that reminds us of the deep and generalized......

Origin of Buddhism and basic precepts   It is always said that Buddhism is a religion, but it is surely much more than that: it is a real philosophy of......

ORIGIN AND CANCER DEVELOPMENT Introduction Origin of cancer: cancer is a disease that is scary, in fact, it is the first cause of death. There are currently means for healing,......

Organizational culture within Educational Management INTRODUCTION The present research work clarifies the true reality of the importance of a good organizational scheme within the ...

Organ donation rate Introduction. In Colombia, there are many patients with terminal illnesses that require recovery to receive transparent from some organ, since despite technolog...

Orcas in captivity have their folded dorsal fin Orcas are one of the most striking attractions of aquatic parks or natural reserves. But there is a phenomenon that surrounds these....

Oral history as research methodology Introduction. To describe the methodology used at work we begin with oral history, this being a narrative resource used by people when accounti...

Oppression and discrimination of women Introduction For lagarde, he uses conception as a basis for defining the term of women, according to Lagarde, there is a generalization of hu...

On the evolution of fear in modern man Fear is the intrinsic characteristic of man, we all feel fear and is, although ironic, an essential characteristic for every human being,......

Old with huge wings and the cursed people Introduction Not far from Zaragoza there is a town called Belchite, many legends run around why this town is so abandoned and......

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Obesity problems in children and adolescents Introduction Obesity is a chronic disease that Di is treatable through medicines and care, this appears when there is excess fat in our...

Nutritional evolution in adults Introduction When talking about the nutritional evaluation we refer not only to a balance of food with the body when absorbing its nutrients, but al...

Northern Ireland and Paramilitary Group Introduction With the signing of the Peace Agreement in 1998 in the Republic of Northern Ireland, and demobilizations and leaves total weapo...

North American legal realism North American legal realism indicates that it has philosophical sources from the mainly legal understanding of Europe in colonial times and now in the...

Niños: Cuento Conmovedor Lleno De Valores: Ejemplo de redacción en español gratis, 403 palabras Introduction Juan Bosch desde siempre se ha destacado como uno de los mejores esc...

New approaches to genetics and personality As we already know the genetic disposition that our parents grant us from the moment of fertilization will determine how the final result...

Neurorrehabilitation from the point of view of neuro plasticity   The action carried out by the human being is based. For many years, CNS was considered a functionally immutable a...

Neurons - Its structure, function and types   As a simple definition, we will tell you that the neuron is the cell that is part of our nervous system being......

Neurocognitive theories and the human brain General objective My goal with this work is that we can know and inform ourselves more about this issue since I think it is......

Naturalism in the novel The Patrick Süskind perfume Can we consider the work "El Perfume" a naturalistic novel? "The perfume: the story of a murderer" is the f...

Natural death, violent and suspicious crime Natural death It is the death because of the end of existence, spontaneous and expected, possible in any human being, as a natural event...

National Tower of Canada, a tourist adventure Introduction The National Tower of Canada, also known as CN Torre - in English CN Tower - is a Canadian self-supporting broadcasting t...

National Identity: Argumentative Text Introduction In this argumentative text we will announce the meaning of the identity according to Amartya Sen and Jorge Larrain the different ...

Narcolepsy, types, causes and symptoms It is one of the diseases that occur when adducing from sleep disorders, usually occurs with excessive drowsiness, in addition to also being ...

My development as a social and personal person The objective of this reflexive work is to relate the first topics worked in the classroom with my personal life, highlighting the......

Music influences children's creativity   Music is able to activate a large number of areas of child development. Help the body and mind to work together, strengthening skills such...

Music as a didactic method for the inclusion of people with disabilities Introduction The present research tries to highlight the importance of music as a didactic method, for the ...

Muscle strength and longevity: everything you should know As we become older, muscle strength work plays a very important role in preventing aging by the passage of time. But at......

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Multiple sclerosis and pediatric patient Introduction When there is an alteration in myelin, we can talk about a dysmicyelinizing or demyelinizing disease, the difference is that d...

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