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Democracy In The World And Its Constant Evolution


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Democracy in the world and its constant evolution


The international system is changing. The logic under which the world was organized in recent years is turning towards a new approach. The leading role of Asian countries such as China and Japan in the global economy show a change in (non -military) hegemony of the United States. This brings to discussion about the effectiveness of the democracies in which we live, many of them inspired by the American project of a Free World. 

The opening of economic borders and the closure of the humanitarian respond to the development of a growing xenophobia and fear "the other". Phenomena such as Brexit highlight mobilized societies against others, making an increasingly divided and unequal world. The states, especially the South Americans, seem to have not yet managed to adapt to the administrative decentralization of globalization. 

This puts the democratic system in which we live and leads us to ask ourselves: are governments fulfilling the function of solving people’s problems or not? Many people, and more and more, I would say no. The rulers have erroneously focus on the last time, forgetting the real vocation of governments. Today Latin American governments can identify a big problem inside: corruption. 


This phenomenon has evidenced, in the last time, many governments that were supposed to be "of the people", have shaken them in all their structures and with it also the democratic buildings that occupy.

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The political word has been questioned, even everything she represents, because governments have not known (or have not wanted) to respond properly to the demands of the inhabitants. It reflects figures such as those consulted by the Latin American public opinion project, where we see that, in most countries, people think that almost all of their politicians are corrupt. As the journalist Jorge Galindo points out in the country:

Perhaps the most alarming fact of all that concern about corruption and bad government goes hand in hand with institutional distrust. Parties, parliaments, local governments and even the electoral process, the basis of any democracy, are affected: in countries where there are more concerned about corruption, there is also less basis of trust in all of them.

The response to this, probably the simplest, has been questioning democracy as a form of government. "Let them all go" is a phrase that we can recognize, as in other times it has been recognized "live the king, death to the bad government". The main key is in this last reference. The main problem that affects governance is the questioning of democracy, believing that the solution is to demolish all democratic institutions and found a kind of "new order". 

Ideological gaps cause some groups to become familiar with the phenomenon of corruption as the only means to survive, while others suffer from their results. The State becomes less present, because the lack of resources or the poor distribution of the same means that governments are further centralized and cannot give effective answers to the daily problems of the inhabitants.

The lack of empowerment of citizens causes them not to recognize the main tool that can unlock this "mechanism" of corruption that operates in our countries: citizen participation. It is necessary, then, to empty each of the spaces plagued by the germ of corruption, but not to leave them empty, but to fill them this time with honest and ideal people who govern.

The lack of citizen commitment, especially many young people, disappointed or disinterested by politics, needs to be reversed immediately. More and more NGOs that begin to encourage young participation in politics spaces, and although from within the resistance is usually felt, convictions and dreams push much stronger. 

And this is where young people also began to see our internal weaknesses, the huge ideological gaps that separate society and us as part of the same. Social groups begin to load more and more political content and the gaps continue to expand. Even in universities, where many professors impose a very strong ideological burden, continue to go against the solution.

Many young people today do not know where to go. And this can be one of the main reasons that cause disaggers and contempt for politics. We commit ourselves to specific causes, but we never face a much larger project, a project that has as a horizon to reform everything that is wrong. And that’s where the eye has to be put.

Without a doubt today, generalizing corruption in politics is something dishonest. There are many people who occupy hierarchy positions who intend to improve the state scheme day by day. Thus we see, for example, in Argentina, that in recent years it improved in the corruption index that publishes the International Transparency NGO every year thanks to a series of concrete measures around the investigation of public officials and laws such as lawof the repentant that aims to offer guarantees to those who accuse with evidence in causes of corruption where they are part.

Undoubtedly, the first step to ensure effective governance will have to begin intelligent cleaning in the state. Young people have to take places of greatest decision every time, and start distributing the resources creatively to reach people. We must be the generation to walk the streets of our countries again and soak up the problems of the people, adding the creativity that characterizes us, to devise solutions that we can apply in the short term, but that we can maintain in the long.

And there is no way that this change is overnight, because it depends on the commitment of more and more people. We can visualize it as a path, with a clear horizon, but a path at last, which must be traveled and exhausted to reach the final objective. Today society recognizes that young people must be heard, and those spaces have to take advantage of them to put aside differences and discussions and propose a path that ensures progress for all.

Today in the world there are more than 1.800 million people between 18 and 24 years old. There had never been so many young people in the world. It is time to start educating in true democracy, in their values and objectives, and also in their shortcomings. It is time to draw those solutions that we believe is convenient and discuss them to ensure that no one is outside. We have the responsibility of starting to encourage participation, because the only way to involve people is to participate in the democratic processes that society carries out.


Young are connected, all the time. Social networks help us communicate among us constantly. We have the ability to establish communications in 280 characters, tell what happens to us and what do we need. We care and hug causes that we believe fair, and put all our vitality to carry them out. We have introduced new genres of music and art in politics and society, and we constantly express ourselves through them.

 It is time then, that we become aware that the world and our societies need us. They need our participation to lead a change in the form of organization. We have to be the ones who clean the policy and its institutions and fill them again with dialogue spaces where the entire society is represented. The answer then will be involved to the coming generations. The answer is not in doubt democracy, but in strengthening it. And especially to understand that young people have long since stopped being the future, and we become the present.  

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